Behaviour and Rewards

At Unity College, we expect, as an absolute minimum that our students are:


  • Arrive at college and lessons on time 
  • Wear the correct uniform 
  • Have the correct equipment 
  • Actively listen to the person talking 


  • Greet others politely 
  •  Use appropriate language when addressing others 
  • Look after the College environment and equipment
  • Follow instructions the first time 
  • Start work straight away 
  • Support others in their learning 
  • Recognise when others have done something for you


  • Move calmly around the College site
  • Make positive decisions regarding your health and wellbeing
  • Seek help from others when needed
  • Display high levels of hygiene
  • Model safe behaviours on the journeys between college and home

The Behaviour Policy describes the range of sanctions that we may use. The Policy has two clear aims:

To reward students who demonstrate the College’s values

  • To encourage students to make positive choices and to create a positive environment for learning, we will use a merit and demerit system. The system will provide rewards for positive behaviours and consequences for negative behaviours. Merits and demerits will be recorded and collated in Synergy and will be easily accessible for students, parents and carers through the ‘School Synergy’ app.

To reduce disruption to learning

  • Rewards are central to the encouragement of good behaviour. Realistically, however, there is a need for proportionate sanctions to register disapproval of unacceptable behaviour and to protect the security and stability of the College community. 

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