

Curriculum Intent 

The History Department at Unity College will empower students to question, consider and reach rational judgements that will help them both in college and as adults. We will explore the key changes to British and world history and seek to explain why changes occurred and what effect they have had on our lives today.


Mr G Hargraves

Head of History

Miss L Wroe

Assistant Head of History 

Miss M Beardsworth

Teacher of History

Ms A Rasul

Teacher of History

Mr T Shaun

Teacher of History 

Key Stage Three

Each half term, students will study a different period from history. Within this, a range of key stills will be developed, including chronology, source skills, change and continuity and extended writing. This will be accompanied by as assessment.

Many of the Key Stage 3 units are designed to give a basis for more developed study at GCSE level.

September Half Term

November Half Term

January Half Term

February Half Term 

April Half Term 

June Half Term 

Year 7

Who are the British?

-Migration to Britain
-The Celts
-The Romans

-The Anglo-Saxon
-The Vikings
-Source work

Norman Conquest

-Contendors for the throne
-Events of 1066
-Doomsday Book
-King John
-Magna Carta

Black Death / Medieval Life

-How life changed
-Life in medieval village

Tudor's / Elizabeth I
-Who were the Tudor's?
-Henry 8th 

-Bloody Mary and Reformation 

-Young Elizabeth
-Elizabeth image
-Marriage problems
-Spanish Armada

Empire and Slavery
-What is an Empire?
-Why build an Empire?
-Effect of Empire on native people
-Triangular trade
-Life of a slave
-End of Empire

Industrial Rev./ Burnley

-Population changes

-Mill conditions
-Child workers
-Peterloo / Protest 

Year 8

Living Conditions / Jack the Ripper
-Migration to towns

-Conditions in towns
-Disease and its spread
-Improvement and sewers
-Jack the Ripper
-Conditions connection

Votes for Women
-Women in 1900
-Suffragists vs gettes
-Sources work
-Emily Davison
-Women in war
-When did women achieve equality?

Causes of WW1
-Main causes
-Cartoon analysis on alliances
-Arms race

-Assassination of FF
-Schlieffen Plan
-Why did Britain join?

Life in the Trenches
-Conditions in the trenches
-WW1 weapons
-Haig judgement
-Christmas truce
-War graves

Impact of WW1

-Why did Germany lose?

-Russia before the war 
-The Russian Revolution
-Life in Stalin's Russia
-Anglo-Irish relations

-Easter rising
-War of Independence
-Partition and the Troubles

Nazi Germany

-Germany in the Depression
-Why did people vote for Hitler?
-Reichstag Fire
-Life in Nazi Germany
-Education and young people
-Persecution of Jews and the Holocaust

Year 9

World War 2
-Causes of WW2
-Did Britain stand alone?
-Operation Mincemeat
-D Day

Cold War

-Communism and Capitalism
-Yalta and the end of WW2
-Berlin Blockade
-Nuclear arms race
-Space Race
-Berlin Wall

Post-War Britain
-Migration to Britain
-Brixton Riots
-War on Terror

USA 1920s Depth Study
-USA background
-The Boom
-Mass production
-Leisure in the 1920s

USA 1920s Depth Study
-Life for African Americans 
-Women in the 1920s 

Medieval Health
-Hippocrates and Galen
-Medieval Doctors
-Church and health
-Public Health
-Black Death

Key Stage Four

History students study the AQA GCSE specification:

The GCSE will be graded from 9-1 and will comprise of two exams, each 2 hours in length. The students cover a wide range of history and will help students understand the world we live in. 

History will develop key skills such as change and continuity, cause and effect, source analysis and evaluation, making complex judgements and reasoning. 

Students should be aware that at GCSE level, History requires a high level of commitment and will involve independent study each week in order to consolidate and deepen knowledge.

Requirements for studying GCSE History:

  • An interest in History
  • A positive attitude
  • Excellent Literacy skills 
  • Commitment to hard work 
  • The ability to work with others and independently 

Any students or parents/carers who would like further information above the History course, should contact Mr Hargraves at the College. 

September Half Term 

November Half Term

January Half Term

February Half Term

April Half Term 

June Half Term

Year 10

Health and the People: Renaissance and Industrial
-Vesalius / Pare / Harvey
-Plague 1665
-Hospitals and medicine
-Hunter and Jenner
-Germ theory

Health and the People: Industrial and Modern
-Public health

-Bazalgette and the Great Stink
-Impact of war
-Liberal Reforms
-Welfare State
-Advances in surgery/drugs
-Opposition and problems

America: 1920s and 1930s
-Recap life in 1920s USA
-Causes of WSC
-Depression effect e.g. farming, business, unemployment
-Hoover's actions

America: 1930s
-Roosevelt and the New Deal
-Alphabet Agencies
-Successes  and failures of the New Deal -War economy

-Women and African Americans at war 

America: Post War

-American Dream
-Popular culture, films and RnR
-Bus Boycott, Little Rock 9 
-MLK and protest
-Black Power movement
-Civil Rights Acts
-Social Policies of JFK and Johnson
-Women's rights and liberations

Conflict Tension: Versailles 

-Situation in 1918

-Big 3 aims

-14 points

-Terms of Versailles


-Reaction to the treaty

Year 11

Conflict Tension: League of Nations
-League Nations

-Success in 20's
-Locarno and Kellog-Briand
-Manchurian Crisis

-Abyssinian Crisis
-Reasons for failure of the League

Conflict Tension: Hitler's Foreign Policy
-Hitler's aims
-Rearmament and conscription
-Stresa Front/Austria
-Anglo-German Naval Agreement

-Remilitarisation of Rhineland
-Sudeten Crisis and Munich
-Nazi-Soviet Pact
-Invasion of Poland and war

Elizabeth I: Power and Religion

-Early life
-Court life
-Marriage and succession
-Elizabethan Settlement
-Northern Rebellion
-Mary Queen of Scots
-Spanish Armada 

Elizabeth I: Society and H.E.
-Living standards
-Historical site investigation
-Elizabethan Theatre
-Hawkins, Drake and Raleigh
-Essex Rebellion
-Death and legacy


History Enrichment

How to support your child in this subject

  • Watch TV/internet documentaries
  • Encourage your child to read
  • Tell your child to visit the local library
  • Encourage the use of e-books
  • Encourage your child to share with you what they have been studying
  • Watch the news / current affairs programme
  • Visit the Show My Homework website