College Updates

Year 6 Literacy Project Transition 

Dear Year 6 Students,

To welcome you all to Unity College, we have gifted you a copy of Anthony McGowan’s novel ‘I am the Minotaur’. We would like you to read the novel over the summer holidays and complete the tasks on the Project PowerPoint linked at the bottom. Your PD tutor will collect your work in September as they will use it as discussion points during your reading PD sessions.

Have a wonderful summer holiday and enjoy reading the novel!

I look forward to meeting you all in September.

Miss Smith

Project Powerpoint

Year 11 Results Day 

Year 11 students can collect their GCSE results from college on Thursday 22 August 2024 from 9.00am – 11.00am. 

We look forward to seeing you all then! 

Years 7 and 11 College Photos 

Please be aware that students in Years 7 and 11 will have their college picture taken during the first week back of the new school year.

Photos will take place on Thursday 5 September 2024. 

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