Physical Education Enrichment
Enrichment and extra-curricular activities
- Climbing
- Tennis – English Schools Cup
- Badminton – Burnley Schools leading to Lancashire Games
- Cross Country – Burnley Schools Competition
- Basketball
- Netball – Burnley Schools Netball League/Tournament
- Rounders – Burnley Schools Rounders League
- Gymnastics – Burnley Schools Gymnastics Competition
- Trampolining – Burnley Schools Trampolining Competition
- Football – Lancashire Schools Cup & English Schools Cup
- Burnley Schools Athletics Competition – leading to Lancashire Athletics Final
- Local fixtures with Burnley Schools
- Super 8’s
- Indoor Athletics
- Cricket – Lancashire Indoor Cricket Competition
- ESFA Cup
- Emerging Schools Competition
- Handball
- Burnley Schools Cross Country Competition – leading to Lancashire Cross Country Final
- Climbing
- Basketball
- Badminton – Burnley Schools leading to Lancashire Games
- Tennis – English Schools Cup
- Cross Country
- Burnley League Competition
- Burnley Schools Cup
- Lancashire Schools Football Cup
- English Schools Football Cup
- Burnley Schools Athletics Competition – leading to Lancashire Athletics Final
- Local fixtures with Burnley Schools
- Super 8’s
- Indoor Athletics
- ESFA Cup
- Emerging Schools Cup
- Emerging Schools Tournament
- Burnley Schools Championships
- Lancashire Cup
- Ruffs League
- Burnley Schools Cricket League
- Lancashire Cup
- Indoor Cricket Competition, Lancs CC
- Craig Heaton Cup
- Burnley Schools Cross Country Competition – leading to Lancashire Cross Country Final
- Burnley Schools Trampolining Competition
- Gymnastics – Burnley Schools Gymnastics Competition
- Burnley Schools Basketball League