Staying Safe Online

Unity College provides a ‘Filtered’ Internet Access system which gives students access to the World Wide Web through the Lancashire County Council filtering system. 

We also have additional filtering and classroom ICT management tools which enable us to track students’ internet and computer activity. Despite these systems we endeavour to ensure that all students are made aware that there is material on the Internet which is unsuitable for viewing by children.  We have introduced procedures which should enable students to use the Internet safely and securely.

The following are not permitted:

· sending or displaying offensive messages or pictures

· accessing undesirable material

· violating copyright laws

· using another student’s password

· trespassing in another student’s folder, work or files

· intentionally wasting limited resources

Violations may result in a loss of access to the Internet within college, as well as other disciplinary action.

Students and parents sign a declaration form agreeing to the above acceptable use when they join Unity College.

In addition, Year 7 and 8 students undertake lessons in eSafety as part of their ICT lessons and all students are regularly reminded of the eSafety rules throughout the year during ICT.

There is a wealth of information about staying safe online available on the internet.  A few useful links are listed below.

thinkyouknow Guide to internet safety and safe surfing for young people from Think U Know. Learn about online safety when using blogs, chatting, online gaming, facebook, twitter, P2P and lots more. Lots of helpful information for parents and carers too.
KnowITall Know IT AllChildnet’s multi award-winning suite of education resources designed to help educate parents, teachers and young people about safe and positive use of the internet.
KidSmart  KidSMART – learn about the internet and being a SMART surfer.
ceop_odd_size  CEOP – Child Exploitation and Online Protection website providing help and advice as well as a reporting service.

Staying safe on the Internet is equally as important outside of college. Please see links below to a number of documents with important information on keeping your child safe on Apps and Games online.

Online Safety Newsletter – May

Staying Safe on X

Staying Safe on Roblox and TikTok

Cyber Security Buzzwords 

Guide to eSports 

‘Finsta’ Accounts 

All About Snapchat

What is Minecraft?

Rocket League

All About Twitch 

Guide to Popular Games

Guide to Popular Platforms 

Keep Safe Whilst Gaming Online

Parental Control Apps 

Smart TVs


Tips for a Tech-Free Christmas

Setting Up Parental Blocks


Shopping Apps