Student Voice

Student Voice at Unity College

Student Voice sits at the centre of our self-evaluation at Unity College.

It links to the College’s vision: 

“Our students are involved in every aspect of college life beyond the classroom.”

We undertake many Student Voice activities throughout the year, including:

  • Online surveys – for a wide range of topics from subject specific to whole college policies. 
  • Student conversations as part of curriculum evaluation.
  • Opportunities for students to share their own views about aspects of the College in drop-in student soap box sessions.
  • Involvement in interviewing new staff.
  • Student feedback on their own and the work of others

Student Council 

Each half term, students will be given a discussion focus in PD (personal development) time.

Student Voice representatives from each PD group will then feedback to their year group’s ambassadors.

Each year group’s ideas are shared at Student Council by the ambassadors and the actions from this are then shared with all students.